Exchange partners from different countries and of course in their own country provide their own home for a self-defined period of time. A free weekend or several days/weeks for an extended vacation. All this is available to you> You just have to find the right offer on swoty. The exchange (swooot) is free of charge in the same apartment category. You only have to pay 15 € portal fee for a swooot.
- describe your home and add nice pictures
- enter the availability and number of your real estate days in the calendar you want to make available for swooot
- swoty categorizes your property in stars
- use the SEARCH and refine it with location, equipment ...etc.
- swooote the number of days into another property
- in the same star category you can swoooten for free (only portal fee of 15 €). A higher category costs you only 20 € per star/night, which the real estate owner receives